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What is the Final Fantasy Project?

Final Fantasy VII Overworld

The Final Fantasy Project was created by Benjamin Hill and Aeris Day for the Coding and Data Visualization course taught by Dr. Campbell. This project focuses on the 1997 PlayStation 1 classic "Final Fantasy VII" which features many noteworthy characters such as iconic protagonist, Cloud Strife. The game has since been released on the PC, iOS, Android, PlayStation Store, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

Why Final Fantasy VII?

Barret looks outside

AERIS: I proposed Final Fantasy VII as the project subject because Final Fantasy VII is a game I grew up with and has a very special place in my heart. Much of the content in this project was actually something I had genuine curiosity about so it was all the more fun to research and learn about. For instance, I always knew that Cloud was referenced a lot in the full script but I never knew how many times it would actually be! I found that sort of information absolutely fascinating.

It was a genuine honor to be able to collaborate with Ben on this project and bring it to life not only through our research but through the website's template as well. This game is incredibly extensive and has so much to explore so it seemed like the sort of material that would be ideal for a project like this. In the end, I'm proud of what we did but there is stilL SO much more that could be done should anyone be interested in taking up the project in the future.